Monday, October 23, 2017

Where To Network Professionally?

Be Efficient - Network Everywhere

Don’t limit your networking to situations where you believe you “should” network but try to keep the mindset of networking active at all times to make sure you don’t miss out on very good connections.
Over some time you will see your network grow significantly if you have an open mind, this is because you naturally spend more time in general situations compared with specific networking situations.

Read the whole article about What Is Networking And Why Is Is Important here

Saturday, October 21, 2017

List Of Small Business Ideas!

Most businesses are small and managed in person by the owner. There are several advantages with small businesses: the owner can have control, they require little capital to start and they can still have great potential for growth after a solid foundation has been built. Many small businesses are also generic and don’t have a very imaginative business idea which makes it even easier to start them up. Just look at what the neighbor is doing and copy it.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

How To Write A Business Plan?

Business ideas can be converted into a business plans by dividing the perceived opportunity into parts that can be analysed individually which will make it possible for the aspiring entrepreneur to focus on key aspects of the business idea separately and thus make it easier to communicate his or her start-up vision. The below article analyse the questions an entrepreneur must ask and answer when he or she write a business plan. This article was updated on October 15th 2017.

Read the entire article on How To Write A Business Plan here.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

How To Find A Good Business Idea?

Finding business ideas and generating business is one of the most stimulating, rewarding, challenging and fun things a person can do and not only is entrepreneurship very beneficial for oneself but it is also the very foundation that wealth and prosperity rests on. Yet the process of finding and developing business ideas that works for a specific person is a sometimes complex and demanding process that can be hard to understand and cope with. Below I will share some of my thoughts and experiences about how to find good business ideas, how to approach them, how to analyze them and some common mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs often make. This article was updated on October 15th 2017.

List Of Business Ideas: Communication Platforms For Multi Country Living

In a world were professionals relocate more and more frequently, where living abroad is becoming a common feature and where the status as expat is no longer reserved for a few the opportunities related to the internationalisation are growing and presents great possibilities for business.
Building platforms for aggregation of technologies is not a novel idea, there is a constant and fierce competition for the position as the leading platform for communication whether it is Viber, Whatsapp, Messenger, Skype, GSM, email or other systems but do they solve all the challenges we face? There are also entertainment platforms such as Netflix and others whose offers keep changing when you cross borders.
This business idea was added to the list of business ideas on October 15th 2017.

Read the entire list of business ideas here. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

List Of Business Ideas: International Market Place For Handicrafts

Many people are very keen on buying local handicrafts when they travel to places outside their own cultural setting and many are equally happy to pay dearly for genuine handicrafts of good quality and a real connection to the local culture and heritage.
Would there be an interest among consumers to buy handicrafts from distant places online to be able to decorate their homes and offices with a variety of high quality and genuine crafts from different parts of the world? We believe there would be an interest as the interest of personalisation when decorating homes and offices. We also believe and online market place would be a suitable solution to provide this service globally.
Would there also be an interest from producers of the same handicraft to reach a global market to increase their volumes and profits? Also here we believe there would be an interest.

Read more at: List Of Business Ideas: International Market Place For Handicrafts

Keywords: Handicraft, Business Idea, Internet Market Place, Souvenirs  
This business idea was added to the list of business ideas on October 6th 2017.

What Is Professional Networking And Why Is It Important?

Professional networking is focused on interactions and relationships of a business nature rather than including personal, non-business interactions. Professional networking can take place in any situation, venue and platform or function both offline and online but there are many platforms and forums specialized on professional networking.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

List Of Business Ideas

Fryday has created a list of business ideas to the benefit for anybody interested in launching a startup. The list will be continuously updated. Enjoy and feel free to comment.