Saturday, April 1, 2017

Six Things To Consider When Paying For Internet Traffic!

Online marketing is key to success for most companies nowadays, long gone are the days when only web shops paid for Internet traffic. To be successful with online advertisement and make sure your money spent creates a good return on investment there are some things you really have to get your head around, some of them fun and proactive and some to avoid disaster.
Why Do You Want to Achieve With Paid-For Online Marketing?
To be successful with online marketing there are many aspects to consider to achieving success; figuring out your overall objective should be at the top of the list and it is not always as easy as it sounds.
The best goal for paid traffic is of course a monetary one you pay $1 for traffic that gives you sales of $2. That is an easy to understand and obvious goal.
If you don’t sell on your website you might want to gain new subscribers to your free newsletter or attract users to other activities that you believe might generate money in the longer term. Those goals are much harder to measure in the short term though but in the long-term you might learn how many paid-for clicks you need to increase the value of your business with a certain amount.
If you live off advertisement on your site it is most likely very hard to make money from paid for traffic, as then you need to get traffic cheaper than the income per view you get from your own advertisement. It might work but it is probably a fish dead in the water.
What Is Your Message To Attract Users?
Is your target audience young, old, academic, sporty or have some other distinct characteristic? You should adapt your message, style and visuals accordingly. Is it text, photo, video or maybe a combination of those? What language should it be? You need to test various styles and you will learn.
Develop A Good Landing Page
A landing page is the page on your site to which the user comes after clicking on one of your ads on the Internet. There is an abundance of examples of how companies get it wrong with landing pages. Some drive traffic to pages not even remotely connected with the message they have or the goal they have with their Internet campaigns.
To get it right you should consider your page design and its usability together with making sure you have clear and visible Calls To Action – the thing you want the users to do such as buying, registering, watching a video or something else.   

You might even need to create multiple landing pages, each one adapted for a single ad in your campaign.
What Are The Best Media For Internet Traffic?
The most common and sources of Internet traffic are – in order of strength – search engine ads, social media marketing, advertisement networks and email marketing,
Each one has its own advantages; some are good for traffic, some are better for brand building, some are cheaper, some are easier to target at a specific audience. Which one is good for you is something you will find out through trial and error.
For example Google search ads has proven strong for customers who know what they want to buy but not from whom, Facebook has a much higher average user age than many people think, advertisement networks are strong for brand building but be careful so your ads are not displayed on sites whose message goes against the values you have and email marketing is a good tool to resell to customers you already have.
What Content To Use To Attract Internet Traffic?
Every detail of your online marketing has its own aspects to consider. Your texts must include the keywords people use when they search on the Internet, your photos must be beautiful but yet easy to understand and your videos long enough to convey your message but short enough not to bore your audience.
Keywords can easily be tested and found by using search engine tools. Type in a few terms related to your product or service and the search engine will present keywords based on their user data but watch out for generic terms that are very expensive such as “buy a car”, better to use “buy a used Volvo in Chicago” if that is what you sell and that’s where you are.
Worth mentioning is that video is a media that is growing very fast in popularity among Internet users and is also being used by more and more Internet sites to share their content which are two good reasons to try video marketing even if it appears more complicated than text and images. 
Analyze Your Internet Campaigns
There are plenty of risks involved in online marketing, your success in one area can become a disaster in another. What if your ads are great and you get an enormous traffic – which you pay for per click – but your landing page is not good enough so none of all those clicks are converted into business? There are even examples of small companies that have made bankruptcy after losing track of their advertisement spending on the Internet.
That is why you should measure, analyze and adapt your advertisement campaigns very frequently. By using the tools provided by the advertisement platforms you use together with proper web analytics – the art of tracking and improving traffic and conversion on your own site – you can avoid the pitfalls and instead enjoy the money making machine successful online advertisement should be.
Anders Östlund
Founder of Fryday, an international network of professionals
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