Sunday, December 9, 2018

What Is A Professional Network And Some Examples Of Professional Networks

What Is A Professional Network?  

A professional network can either be personal connections - the professional connections a person has gathered over his or her professional life or the connections that form the basis for exchange of information, ideas and give access to persons of professional interest for the network owner.

A professional network can also be a platform or system where a person can create and maintain his or her professional network. Companies or persons who are the organizers of professional networking events usually manages such networks.
There is thus a difference between the personal professional network that people have and the professional networks that are maintained by a person or a company for the specific purpose of other people’s professional networking efforts.

What Are Some Examples Of Professional Networks?

There are many examples of professional networks that are platform for people’s professional or business networking. The most obvious ones being the one that are organizing professional networking events but there are many others that are for the purpose of charity, a common cause – such as city business development, national industry organizations and many others – that also provide very good opportunities for professional networking and whose members often join for that specific purpose.
One could almost say that if people have professional networking ambitions as a reason for joining an organization or event that organization or event is to a lesser or greater level a professional network. 

There are many professional networks available both on- and off-line; and even though we are certain that real world networking never can be replaced by online networking, online can still be a good place to initiate contact and it is a very good place to maintain a professional network. The places where to network professionally are endless and ranges from the obvious professional networking event to all other places where people meet, from hotel lobbies to meeting the other parents at your kids football matches.

Success With A Professional Network 

To succeed with professional networking it can be good to undertake some preparations, the most basic ones being to look into what kind of venue you are going to, what the theme or professional orientation the event has and which people are most likely to be there. We have written more about preparations for successful networking in previous blog posts, those will give you more details about how to prepare.
We have written about professional networking many times before on this blog and for the time constrained reader we can recommend the short blog posts “A one-minute read about how to build and maintain a strong network” and “Top 10 tips for successful networking”.

Essay About Professional Networking

For you who want more theory and a more essay-like guide to professional networking we recommend our masterpiece: “What is Professional Networking and Why is it Important?”
We wish you all the success with your professional networking and we hope this article will help you somewhat to reach that success!
Please feel free to contact us at for any questions, suggestions and comments.
Thanks for reading!

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